Sudceven recommends their favourite places … around ARRIGAS
Natural heritage
to 11.5 Km in our area
Cirque de Navacelles, Grand Site de France
The cirque of Navacelles is an exceptional natural heritage. Giant funnel dug by the river Vis in the mesa of Blandas. The location of the village collected 300 meters and its pit, abandoned meander, help make this extraordinary site. Since July 2013, the viewpoints of the Oaks, the Sinkhole and Cascade, on the Causse de Blandas, offer visitors a grand supervision upon the geomorphology of Navacelles and establish a respectful dialogue between Man and Earth. A building includes a restaurant, a shop-local, bar, info point with a space scénovision loop projecting a 10-minute film chronicling the natural heritage of the mesa. Two car parks. Site accessible to four forms of disability. A network of hiking trails urges visitors to discover step by step sculptural landscapes: the gorges of the Vis, the geological wonder of Navacelles, the dry stone walls ...
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Why we recommend these places
Grandiose, essential. To discover this great natural site of France particularly at sunrise or at sunset. Unusual night by full moon ! Sudceven
to 15.6 Km in our area
Coopérative Origine Cévennes
The cooperative offers direct sales of sweet onion Cevennes, fruits and vegetables grown in the Cevennes (potatoes) and products derived from sweet onions, AOP soft onion Cévennes (candied), and apple reinette Vigan and the chestnut of the Cevennes and their derivatives (confit, jams, juices ...) The cooperative is open to the public and sells its products at retail: - December to June, 7/7, 10:00 to 12:30 and 14:00 to 18:00 - July to November, daily from 09:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 19:00 Guided tour on request.
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Why we recommend these places
An inimitable taste, sweet and sweet flavor. On the menu of the three-star chef Christian le Squer of the restaurant Le Cinq, in Paris! Sudceven
Cultural activity
to 10 Km in our area
Office de tourisme Cévennes & Navacelles
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Why we recommend these places
A dedicated space for your holiday ideas. A very human relationship with the staff, at your service. Go for it ! Sudceven
Point of Interest
to 16 Km in our area
Le Mont Aigoual est un sommet situé dans le sud du Massif Central, sur la limite entre le Gard et la Lozère. Il culmine à 1 565 mètres d'altitude. Cela en fait le point culminant du Gard et le second de la Lozère ainsi que des Cévennes, après le Mont Lozère (1 699 mètres).Bastion sud-est du Massif Central, le Mont Aigoual est remarquable par son panorama, son climat et son observatoire météorologique. C'est sur ce mont qu'a été entreprise au XIXème siècle la première grande opération de reforestation anti-érosive en France (constitution d'une forêt de protection sur les sols érodés par la déforestation et le pâturage).Haut lieu de l'histoire des camisards et maquisards, le Mont Aigoual a inspiré de nombreux écrivains cévenols tels André CHAMSON, Jean-Pierre CHABROL ou Jean CARRIERE.
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Why we recommend these places
A mountain inviting to hiking, sports, daydreams, effort ... A real authentic and wild land. Unforgettable panorama. Our cottage is on its southern flank, 700 meters above sea level. Sudceven
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